14 Ways Leaders Can Build A Companywide Peer Coaching Culture
“Good communication is contagious. Train managers in mediation techniques with a focus on collaborative, nonjudgmental language use and listening skills. This enables each manager to decipher and help resolve barriers, obstacles, emotions and conflicts that hinder productivity. It also helps managers model skills for junior teammates, which creates a listening, resolution-oriented communication culture.”
— Elaine Rosenblum, J.D., ProForm U®
The Art Personal Branding: How To Build Bridges While Self-Promoting
“Building an authentic and empathetic brand requires respect for others and respect for self. Understanding and owning your strengths and weaknesses while providing nonjudgmental points of view demonstrates respect for self and others. The key to executing this proposition is shifting from judgmental to collaborative word choices and behaviors in every verbal, written or behavioral communication.”
— Elaine Rosenblum, J.D., ProForm U®
14 Creative Ways Professionals Can Get Centered And Stay Grounded
“There is magic in physically writing with your hand. It’s scientifically proven that handwriting improves your memory of that information, is psychologically satisfying and helps order conflicting and competing thoughts. Writing out feelings, questions, anxieties and fears about an issue without judgment helps one see the problem more clearly and frees the mind to begin solving it logically.”
— Elaine Rosenblum, J.D., ProForm U®
12 Ways Leaders Can Make Timely Calls On Complicated Decisions
“Having one or two readily available, trusted advisors who do not necessarily always agree with you or who possess specific expertise is imperative for a decision maker. Listening to opposing points of view provides insight into personal blind spots and enables leaders to see the issue through alternative lenses and obtain a 360-degree perspective. Effective leaders know who to call when they hit a wall.”
— Elaine Rosenblum, J.D., ProForm U®
11 Ways To Determine Who Owns Decisions In Specific Business Areas
“‘Own,’ as in ownership, implies one person: the owner. Group ownership is more ideal, and it is created by rewarding collaborative values throughout the organization. Collaborative cultures set the stage for innovative problem-solving, yielding more productive outcomes. A culture that breeds and values group-owned solutions allows for safe risk-taking, which is imperative for innovation.”
— Elaine Rosenblum, J.D., ProForm U®
15 Critical Skills Required To Become An Excellent Negotiator
“Negotiation creates fear of losing or being used, leading to defensiveness and adversarial language, which hinder the collaborative creation of innovative outcomes. Vulnerability and collaboration look and sound like this: “May I join you on your side of the table so we can sit side-by-side, review our respective views of the issues and brainstorm together in creating mutually beneficial solutions?”
— Elaine Rosenblum, J.D., ProForm U®
Lost Your Job? 16 Important Things To Keep In Mind
“You have more transferable skills than you know. Your Venn skills are the intersection of skills and passions and the next-step road map. Draw two side-by-side circles. In the first one, list your top 20 skills — any skills! In circle two, list your top 20 passions. Draw a line between any passion that will improve any specific skill. Your sweet spot next job requires the skills that have the most passion lines.”
— Elaine Rosenblum, J.D., ProForm U®
How To Tackle 15 Lesser-Known Challenges Of Being A ‘Solopreneur’
“Entrepreneurship is moxie and moxie is a willingness to fail more often than not. Failure causes self-doubt. After your next big win, create a list in thick red sharpie of all the feelings, words and previous wins that flood your mind while you bask in a recent win. Rewrite the list in sharpie on your mirror. Read the list daily until it’s embedded in your brain. I am a solopreneur. I do this and it works. ”
— Elaine Rosenblum, J.D., ProForm U®
Nine Approaches to Encourage Trust In Your Content
“The backbone of building trust with other humans is rooted in a thread of consistent respect, honesty and integrity in every chosen word, position and opinion. Respectful wording requires shifting from judgmental to neutral language. Being respectfully truthful about yourself, others and the world creates immediate bonds. The respectful truth is the very core of the integrity that builds trust.”
— Elaine Rosenblum, J.D., ProForm U®